Online Workshop


RM 138.90
RM 49.90
  • 泡澡也有仪式感!教你手作精致女孩必备的高颜值「精油浴球」
  • 导师:Eleine
  • 难度: 初级
  • 时间:1小时 15分钟
  • 教学语言:中文 (附中文字幕)
  • 泡澡不但可以放松身体还能促进⾎液循环,对不少女生来说也是很有仪式感的哦!准备颜值超⾼的精油浴球,泡澡前可以看到浴球冒出丰富的泡沫,过程超疗愈的!
  1. 自我介绍
  2. 泡澡球介绍
  3.  工具 & 材料介绍
  4. 制作步骤(彩虹云泡澡锭 & 玫瑰天竺葵泡澡球)
  5. 注意事项
  6. 总结
  • Once payment is complete, you may check your ticket status at "My Ticket" under "Travel" tab.
  • We will update your ticket automatically in your WeTix account and a confirmation email will also be send to you.
  • To access the Craftla website and redeem your course by click on the redemption link provided.
  • You will need to sign up or log in, and the course will remain in your redeem account for a lifetime.