Cute Cake Decorating Workshop
RM 490.00
RM 128.00
- Cute Cake Decorating Workshop
- 亚洲蛋糕冠军教你「三款可爱蛋糕造型」
- 导师:Ming Ming
- 难度: 所有级别
- 时间: 3小时 45分钟
- 教学语言:中文(附中文字幕)
- 蛋糕除了要好吃之外,装饰和造型也非常重要,精致的蛋糕造型给人们带来了治愈感,光看着心情都瞬间美好了起来。
- 带你明白蛋糕装饰
- 零基础可初学的维尼小熊杯子蛋糕
- 中级可上手的兔子裱花戚风蛋糕
- 晋级挑战高级的彩虹独角兽戚风蛋糕
- 提示与总结分享
- Once payment is complete, you may check your ticket status at "My Ticket" under "Travel" tab.
- We will update your ticket automatically in your WeTix account and a confirmation email will also be send to you.
- To access the Craftla website and redeem your course by click on the redemption link provided.
- You will need to sign up or log in, and the course will remain in your redeem account for a lifetime.