Chinese Calligraphy Online Workshop
RM 390.00
RM 150.00
- Chinese Calligraphy Online Workshop
- 手写的爱更有温度,练出一手好看的中文软笔字
- 导师:Kelly Lee
- 难度: 初级
- 时间: 3小时
- 教学语言:中文 (附中文字幕)
- 手写字有静心疗愈作用,在忙碌的生活中抽出时间书写,让你原本因为忙碌的心有一个品质me time!
- 自我介绍 + 中文软笔字介绍
- 开始认识软笔的不同种类!
- 如何抓笔 + 如何写出粗细笔画
- 书写时要注意的字形特点
- 简单笔画练习(15个)
- 常用部首练习(20个)
- 常用字练习 (20个)
- 如何写出好看的字组排列
- 常用祝贺语书写 (6组祝贺语)
- 心情小语书写(4组)
- 总结 & 老师勉励话语
- Once payment is complete, you may check your ticket status at "My Ticket" under "Travel" tab.
- We will update your ticket automatically in your WeTix account and a confirmation email will also be send to you.
- To access the Craftla website and redeem your course by click on the redemption link provided.
- You will need to sign up or log in, and the course will remain in your redeem account for a lifetime.